Maryland advocates come together for Lobby Day 2023!

Earlier this month, advocates from across the state came together to advocate for heart health and the issues they care most about.

A group of You’re the Cure advocates, coalition partners, and more joined the Association’s advocacy team in Annapolis for a Lobby Day – our first in person in 3 years. We all learned more about Healthy School Meals for all and the importance of advocacy, then we spread across the Capitol to meet with legislators and tell them why we need to make healthy school meals for all a reality in Maryland.


Advocates were also out on Lawyers Mall passing out information to those walking by. These advocates made it clear that healthy school meals for all ensures every Maryland student is getting the nutritious meals they need to learn and grow.

If you weren’t able to make it, but still want to share your story and reach out to your legislators, check out the School Meals Action Center for all the information you need to make your voice heard in Annapolis on this important issue!

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