Malva Rabinowitz, New York

Malva Rabinowitz is a New Yorker with heart!

hero_image_alt_text===Malva Rabinowitz.

Malva Rabinowitz has brought her business planning and consulting skills to the American Heart Association in countless ways, including as a member of the New York City Board of Directors and our Advocacy Committee.  The AHA is lucky to have her support and energetic commitment to our mission!

As the spouse of a now-healthy triple coronary bypass patient and the daughter of a scientist who received research grants from AHA, our mission truly resonates with Malva. And as a mother of three, she wants everyone to have the opportunity to raise a family free from heart disease and stroke, resulting in long and healthier lives for all New Yorkers. She’s ready to do her part to make that a reality.

Malva doesn’t just advocate for local issues – she fights for all of New York! She led a series of meetings with Council Members during our NYC Lobby Day to advocate for better Physical Education for NYC students and then went down to Washington D.C for our Federal Lobby Day to meet with members of Congress to fight for better health care for all Americans!

Thank you Malva for your continued dedication to the mission of the American Heart Association and for all you do to improve the health and well-being of all New Yorkers!

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