11 Pedestrian Fatalities So Far. It's Time To Improve Safety!

A recent Editorial in the Portland Press Herald shows the importance of safe pathways for pedestrians. As of October, there have been 11 pedestrian fatalities in Maine this year, three of which happened between Oct. 10 and 19. 

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The Portland Press Herald Editorial Board points out that Maine has "Complete Streets" policies in place. Complete Streets policies (which the American Heart Association supports) are meant to ensure that road planning is done with a pedestrian- and bicycle-friendly approach. The problem is that these policies can't help protect pedestrians if they aren't funded and implemented.

That's why voters need to make their voices heard and vote "YES" on Question 6, which will dedicate state dollars to improving safety for people who walk, bike and run. 

To quote the Editorial, "Our roadways should be safe for everybody who uses them - but they won't be unless pedestrians, bicyclists and their allies across Maine hit the road, attend meetings and their views known."

To read the full Editorial, visit the Portland Press Herald.

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