Looking ahead to the 2021 legislative session

It’s hard to believe it’s already September. We hope this finds you well and safe. While many things right now feel like they are on hold, the American Heart Association’s advocacy work is continuing.

hero_image_alt_text===a table full of e-cigarette devices that were confiscated at a Utah high school
thumbnail_alt_text===a table full of e-cigarette devices that were confiscated at a Utah high school

We are currently developing our policy agenda for the 2021 legislative session that will start in January. We anticipate the state will face some tough decisions in 2021 due to COVID-19 and its impact on state revenue.  While we know lawmakers will be facing difficult choices we hope with your help we can continue advocating for important health issues including tobacco and e-cigarette control issues.

Did you know that 80 percent of people who use tobacco started with a flavored product? With recent reports showing that over 20 percent of Washington youth use e-cigarettes we believe it is time to do something to restrict the sale and availability of the enticing flavors that are hooking our kids.

Just a few weeks ago California passed legislation that will restrict the sale of flavored tobacco products, including menthol cigarettes, flavored e-cigarettes and flavored cigarillos. It was a long and difficult fight in California but we hope that with your help we can do the same here in Washington in 2021.

Thank you for your support and we look forward to working together to build a healthier Washington.

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