Looking ahead to 2021 and we want to hear from you

It’s hard to believe it’s already December. We hope this finds you well and safe. While many things right now feel like they are on hold, the American Heart Association’s advocacy work is continuing.

We anticipate the state will face some tough decisions in 2021 due to pandemic but we hope with your help we can continue advocating for important health issues including:

  1. Tobacco and e-cigarette control issues.
  2. SNAP (supplemental nutrition assistance program) and funding for other food access programs to help the most vulnerable in our state.

As we continue our planning for the legislative session, we would like to hear from you about the issues you care about and how you would like to be involved. Please take a few minutes and answer our short (only 8 question) survey.

Thank you for your support. I look forward to working together to build a healthier Washington.

hero_image_alt_text===A picture of a meadow with mountains in the distance.
thumbnail_alt_text===A picture of a meadow with mountains in the distance.
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