Look Both Ways - Safe Routes to School

Look both ways. When we cross the street with children, these words come from our mouths almost automatically. Protecting children—teaching them how to live a long life—is so natural; we barely have to think about it. In the same way, teaching the children of our community how to live healthfully should be just as natural to us. Safety and healthy living should go hand in hand.

hero_image_alt_text===3 kids on bikes with an adult on a bike
thumbnail_alt_text===3 kids on bikes with an adult on a bike

Walking or biking to school is one of the best ways for children to practice safety while learning to build physical activity into their everyday lives.  But kids walking to school today have a different set of challenges. We tell our kids to look both ways before crossing the street, but with more traffic, missing sidewalks, unsafe crosswalks, and no bike lanes, it’s hard to keep kids safe. Access to safe routes encourages children and their families to stay active, lead healthy lives and helps prevent health conditions such as heart disease and diabetes. AHA supports efforts to increase access to active/healthy transportation funding at all level's of government. In line with those efforts, we support the active transportation improvements in the Metro region without endorsing the specific method of taxation.

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