Dr. Leonard Edloe is a staunch supporter for the profession of pharmacy in numerous areas of public policy. The drive to help others led him to many worthwhile pursuits, including active advocacy with You’re the Cure.
A retired pharmacist now, Dr. Edloe was the Chief Executive Officer of Edloe's Professional Pharmacies, one of America’s largest chains of black-owned pharmacies located in Richmond, Virginia. He is the Pastor of New Hope Fellowship in Hartfield, VA. He also holds a long-list of prestigious awards and board appointments and has a passion for getting people to really understand the drugs they’re taking and being healthy. “Doc,” as he is often referred to, was likely Richmond area’s best-known pharmacist. At the age of 65, he closed the nearly seven decade old pharmacy that was started by his father.
His story is not unfamiliar to many cardiovascular advocates. He admits, “I have a terrible history of cardiovascular disease in my family.” His sister died of a heart attack, and his brother also, at only 54. A total of five family members have been directly affected by cardiovascular disease. He had his own scare when he suffered a heart attack at the tender age of 38.
Among numerous endeavors to look out for his fellow man, Dr. Edloe recommended establishment of the ‘Preferred Drug List’ to the Governor of Virginia, approval of which not only saved the Commonwealth hundreds of millions of dollars, but maintained fees paid to pharmacists for their services. He has been a tremendous resource to editors and reporters in both print and TV media. He is a frequent guest on nationwide radio shows and even hosts his own radio show on Thursday’s expanding the role pharmacists play in healthcare. (Listen to his show on WCLM between 11:30am and 1pm Thursdays!)
When asked what he feels is lacking in the area of cardiovascular disease he stated “More could be done… what is happening now in the medical community is there is a strong focus on medication instead of diet, exercise and stopping the behaviors that often cause illness. The approach to just add more medication is going to catch up with people. Eating right and exercising have been important since Genesis was written. We have wonderful medical technology but we should not depend on it for a quick cure.” He went as far as to remove salt shakers from the tables at the church he pastored. In 1975 while a practicing pharmacist, he even stopped selling tobacco products in all of his pharmacies.
Currently serving in a leadership capacity to Virginia’s You’re the Cure advocacy team, he says, “As individuals we should be concerned for each other. Personal responsibility and looking out for others is the answer.” His track record amply demonstrates a man living that credo.
<Thanks to You’re The Cure advocate Karen Wiggins for help developing this blog post>
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