Since the end of an unusual, tumultuous, and lengthy legislative session, we’ve been planning and preparing for January 2022, and we expect another unpredictable year as we (hopefully) see the end of Covid and somewhat normal operations once again. And one of our top priority issues once again will center on reducing use and exposure to the harmful health impacts of ALL tobacco products.
Once again, we are anticipating preemption legislation, which is state legislation that would prevent municipal and other local government authorities from setting regulations on tobacco products to suit the needs of local communities. This would mean your local city council could not set standards that would prevent vape shops from being located next to a high school, or they could be restricted from eliminating secondhand smoke from parks, playgrounds, and other spaces where children gather. We were able to stop this legislation in the 2021 legislative session, but it is becoming more prevalent nationwide to pass these restrictive laws.
We oppose this type of legislation, as we believe local governments are most responsive to their constituents, and have the best ability to react quickly to changes in market trends, as we’ve seen in the explosion of electronic tobacco products over the last several years. This is another way for tobacco companies to attract youth and other populations they have traditionally targeted to addict to their deadly products. We are working to stop a new generation from facing the terrible outcomes of nicotine and tobacco addiction, and our advocates support in ending this type of legislation is key to helping build a healthier future for all Idahoans.
Stay tuned for more information about tobacco legislation, and other issues we’ll be working on over the coming year, and how you can get involved to continue our success, or please contact us if you have any questions or would like additional information.
hero_image_alt_text===Hands holding a vape product in one hand and a cigarette in the other
thumbnail_alt_text===Hands holding a vape product in one hand and a cigarette in the other
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