Legislative Session 2021 Will be Like Nothing We Have Ever Seen

Earlier this month the legislature announced what we have long been expecting, that the 2021 legislative session will be unlike any past session. With Covid-19 numbers going in the wrong direction for the safety of everyone the legislative session will be a mix of in person and virtual.

hero_image_alt_text===Image of the state capitol.
thumbnail_alt_text===Image of the state capitol.

According to a recent news story many of the Washington State Senate’s operations will be virtual when it convenes in January. Committee meetings and public testimony will be virtual, legislative buildings will be closed to the public, and some votes on the floor will be cast through a video system.  

For more details you can read the article below:


We want to say thank you to you our advocates as we head into the holiday season. We know this is a challenging times for many and we want you to know we are thinking of you and we appreciate you. When the legislative session starts in January we will be in touch often to let you know what is going on with the issues we are working on and how you can lend your voice in support. If you have questions for us please reach out.

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