Lace Up Your Sneakers, Today is National Walking Day!


National Walking Day is not only a day to get moving, but is also a kick off for a commitment to a lifetime of healthy living.  Statistics show that 1 in 2 men and 1 in 3 women are at risk for heart disease and research shows that poor lifestyle is a major contributor.  So get moving and help reduce your risk of developing heart disease today!

There are so many ways that you particpiate in National Walking Day, and get those around you involved as well. Encourage your friends, family and co-workers to lace up their sneakers and take a walk with you today.  Here are some ideas on how to make the best of National Walking Day:

    • Wear your sneakers to work and take a walk during your break!
    • Grab a group of friends and family and lead a walk around your neighborhood.  You can map a walking path at  Look for the Walking path link.
    • Enjoy some heart-healthy foods like fruits and vegetables, lean meat and whole grains.
    • Wear a pedometer and see how many steps you can get—then aim to increase your daily average by 500 steps a day until you reach 10,000 steps a day!  For more ideas to get you started walking click here for a free beginner six week walking plan.

Walking is a great way to get physically active and to help improve your health.  A regular walking program can:

    • Improve your cholesterol profile
    • Boost your bone strength
    • Lower your blood pressure
    • Prevent weight gain
    • Increase your energy and stamina

Experts at the American Heart Association recommend that every American adult engage in 30 minutes or more of moderate intensity physical activity just about every day of the week, at least 2½ hours per week. You can do that by walking two miles briskly (about four miles an hour). If this is too fast, choose a more comfortable pace.

For more information about National Walking Day sign up here for a free resource packet!

While you are gathering your friends for your National Walking Day celebrations encourage them to join our You’re the Cure network, where they will be able to receive more updates on the issues that drive our organization.  For more information about joining You’re the Cure, please contact Betsy ([email protected]) or Kacie ([email protected]) or visit us on the web at

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