Growing up, many of us went out to eat for special occasions, such as birthdays, when there was something to be celebrated. These days, it’s a different reality.
We're eating out more than ever, with Americans spending more of their food budget on dining out than dining in. That’s why it’s so important that restaurants offer healthy food and beverage options— especially for children.
It's no secret that the majority of children’s meals at the most popular restaurants are unhealthy. They are packed with calories, salt, and fat. And, children consume almost twice as many calories at restaurants compared to a typical meal at home. We believe something must be done to make it easier for parents to make healthier choices for their kids when eating out.
To help parents, restaurants can make sure kids’ meals are healthier. One easy way is to offer water or milk as the drink with kids’ meals. The goal is to help kids see these healthy options as the norm, not the exception.
Considering about 42% of children aged two to nine eating fast food on any given day, it's time to serve our kids better. We're excited to begin advocating for healthy kids' meals and hope you'll join us. Click here to show your support today!
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