Lafayette: Now Serving Smoke-free Air

On April 18, the Lafayette City-Parish Council took a stand against heart disease and stroke by voting 7-2 in favor of a comprehensive smoke-free ordinance.


The ordinance will ensure all workplaces, including bars, clubs, gaming facilities and expanded-service restaurants, in the city of Lafayette and unincorporated parts of Lafayette Parish, are smoke free. The ordinance will take effect as early as April 27th or upon signature of Mayor-President Joel Robideaux, whichever occurs first. Enforcement of the ordinance will begin on August 1.

The American Heart Association applauds the council for their heroic efforts to make the city and the community a healthier place to live and work. Many thanks to council members Boudreaux, Cook, Lewis, Naquin, Conque, Castille and Hebert for listening to their constituents and putting public health first. Also, thank you to the You're the Cure advocates who packed the room with us at the council meeting!

If you live in Lafayette, click here to send a quick thank you message to city-parish leaders!

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