ICYMI: Louisiana House Education Votes Against Smart Snacks

If you recall, a top legislative priority for the American Heart Association was to pass HB 208 aimed to have healthy snacks and beverages sold to students during the school day. However, the House Education Committee voted 2 – 10 against the bill. 


Specifically, the bill would have adopted the USDA Smart Snacks nutrition guidelines, ensuring the foods and beverages students can purchase outside of their school breakfast and lunch programs follow the same nutrition guidelines as their school provided meals. The bill also would have maintained the provisions of Louisiana’s current standards that are stronger than the federal policy.

Unfortunately, House Education members put the needs of interest groups and lobbyists first – instead of the health of Louisiana’s students! Without a change to the status quo, Louisiana’s high childhood obesity rates will not change and the economic impact on Louisiana’s healthcare system will continue to grow.

Click to tell Gov. Edwards and the House Education Committee that keeping the status quo doesn’t help our students!

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