Good nutrition is important for heart health. That's why the American Heart Association is encouraging Americans to eat smart and commit to healthy eating during November, Eat Smart Month.
hero_image_alt_text===Healthy food
thumbnail_alt_text===Healthy food
One smart change is to rethink your drink. For example, sugary drinks, such as sodas and sports drinks, are the single largest source of calories in the American diet. The added sugars in these drinks have been linked to higher rates of weight gain, heart disease, tooth decay and diabetes, among other chronic diseases. In fact, recently discussed a new study published in the Journal of Endocrine Society on November 2 about the effects of sugary drinks on heart and metabolic health. Definitely check it out! So, the next time you want to reach for a sugary drink, try water, flavored water, unsweetened tea, milk, or 100% juice.
The American Heart Association strives to promote healthier eating in our workplaces, schools and throughout our community. For example, when it comes to advocacy, we are fighting for stronger public health policies that make the healthy choice the easy choice for children and adults alike. This Eat Smart Month, we invite you to join us. Comment below if you'd like healthier food options at work, school or public places and why it's important to you.
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