Knowing Which Medical Products Are Best for Each Person -- It Just Makes Sense


Check out American Heart Association CEO Nancy Brown's latest Huffington Post blog post about the need to address health disparities in clinical trials.  

"Turn on your television at any point during the day or night and you will likely run across an ad for a prescription drug, along with a disclaimer about possible side effects. It seems only logical that those side effects are a possibility for anyone who takes the medicine, regardless of gender, race or age.

Unfortunately, that logic is wrong.

Studies of drugs and medical devices do not always report what effects these treatments may have on women, minorities or the elderly. Worse yet, those effects are not always investigated, as members of those populations are often underrepresented in trials -- despite the fact gender, race and age makes people more prone to certain diseases."  Read the full article on the Huff Post Healthy Living Blog. 

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