One step closer to healthier kids' meals in NYC restaurants

On Monday, February 25, the NYC Council Committee on Health will be holding a hearing to discuss the Healthy Kids Meal bill, which is the last stop before the full Council votes on whether to pass the bill into law.


If passed, healthy drinks like water, seltzer, and low-fat milk would become the norm for kids' meals in NYC restaurants and help reduce the amount of sugar being consumed by our children.

New Yorkers lead busy lives, and more and more, we’re eating out. Unfortunately, many of the meals on children's menus in restaurants come with sugary drinks, such as fruit drinks with added sugar, sports drinks, and soda, which are a major contributor to the increasing rates of diabetes and heart disease.

Let your Council Member know -- by providing healthier drinks with kids’ meals, we are supporting our children’s health and helping them live longer, healthier lives!

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