Kick Butts Day 2019 was a huge success!

The American Heart Association was proud to partner with Hawaii Public Health Institute and Coalition for Tobacco-Free Hawaii on Kick Butts Day at the Capitol on March 20th!

80 kids and 40 adults representing schools from every island came together at the Capitol to advocate for legislation that would ban the sale of flavored tobacco and e-cigarette products! The students marched to the Capitol that morning holding signs and chanting about the dangers of flavored tobacco and e-cigarette products.

Students also met with legislators and had the opportunity to testify about what they are seeing first hand at their schools and among their friends. Recent reports tell us that almost 50% of youth in Hawaii have tried these highly addictive products.

The Lt. Governor and the First Lady of Hawaii came out and met with students presenting the Governor’s proclamation to students at Hawaii’s Kick Butts Day!

Thanks in part to the advocacy of these students both SB 1009 which would ban the sale of flavored tobacco and e-cigarette products and SB 1405 which would tax and better regulate sales of e-cigarettes passed out of committee. 

We still have a long way to go to end the sale of flavored tobacco and better regulate the sale of e-cigarettes in Hawaii but with your help it is possible. Please keep an eye out for emails about these important bills as the 2019 session continues. 


hero_image_alt_text===Group of people holding signs
thumbnail_alt_text===Group of people holding signs
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