Kentucky Becomes 29th State to Pass CPR in Schools!

Great news! Thanks to your emails, phone calls and visits with lawmakers, Kentucky's CPR in Schools bill passed the Kentucky House and Senate and was signed into law April 9th by Governor Bevin.

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Passage of Senate Bill 33 makes Kentucky the 29th state that has taken steps to ensure all students learn CPR, adding tens of thousands of lifesavers to our communities each year.

Unfortunately, because many bystanders are unsure of what to do, currently only about 10 percent of the more than 326,000 people who suffer cardiac arrest outside of a hospital every year survive. Teaching our high school students what to do in an emergency can change this. Effective hands-only bystander CPR, provided immediately after sudden cardiac arrest, can double or triple a victim’s chance of survival.

Again, thank you for helping ensure an entire generation of young adults will have the skills to save a life! 

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