Voters across the country are updating their personal voter information so they are ready to cast their ballots on Election Day. That’s a great reminder to update your You’re the Cure profile as well. We always want to help you stay educated and informed on issues that matter to you.
hero_image_alt_text===Heart with all US states
thumbnail_alt_text===Heart with all US states
You’re the Cure works on a variety of issues at various levels of government: local, state, and federal. We make every effort to keep you in the know with what’s happening in your community – and you can help us too, in 3 easy ways.
One: Always make sure that your You’re the Cure profile is updated with your current personal information. What email address do you check the most often? Do we have your personal physical address – not your work address? These seemingly small details help us ensure you get the most accurate information about what we are working on in your area.
Two: Make sure to check that inbox! We primarily communicate via email, and that is where you will find the most current updates on our policies, any advocacy events in your area, upcoming exciting news, etc. It is also where you will find an opportunity to take action on our most pressing policy issues.
Three: Take action! Often, completed alerts sent to legislators and elected officials can truly emphasize community support for issues at times when that supportive voice is incredibly vital. Every time you click “Send,” you bring us one step closer to strengthening communities across the country – so every alert really does count.
Our network of incredible advocates continues to help us make a difference every day, and we are thankful for all that you do.
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