Albany's Communications Director talks about her role in advocacy work.
hero_image_alt_text===Advocates with Heart!
Kathy McCarthy is a Communications Director for the American Heart Association. Based out of Albany, Kathy plays a critical role in the advocacy work that we do at the State level. Below are her comments on the intersection of her communications work and advocacy:
I'm lucky to be a communications director in a state Capitol and we are lucky to have a team of communications directors from all over the state, who work to find volunteers, get coverage, and help drive our agenda in Albany. It’s very empowering to work on legislation that will save lives, and when we can present events that get great coverage by the legislative press corps, there’s a huge feeling of success.
Our amazing volunteers are the relentless force that gets the credit for the success we have getting coverage of our events. It’s moving to work alongside the people who are affected by heart disease and stroke, and who share their stories.
A few situations stand out –
• Watching 12-year-old Joey Mendrick blow out a candle on a cupcake on the first anniversary of surviving sudden cardiac arrest during a CPR Lobby Day
• Listening to 3-year-old Jack, born with a congenital heart defect, lean into the microphone at the podium and say, “Pass this Law” during a press conference to pass the Pulse Ox Law.
• Celebrating the finalization of the CPR in Schools law on the steps of the Department of Education in Albany, surrounded by volunteers who had survived sudden cardiac arrest, and the mothers who had lost children to sudden cardiac arrest.
Thanks, Kathy, for all the hard work you do!
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