Join Us April 5th for Heart at the Capitol 2017

I hope you’re as excited as I am that Heart at the Capitol in Sacramento is just around the corner on April 5th!  If you haven’t registered yet, sign up today!

hero_image_alt_text===Photo of California state capitol building
thumbnail_alt_text===Photo of California state capitol building

At Heart on the Hill we will advocate for the following:

  • Healthy Schools

If passed, Assembly Bill 841 would restrict K-12 schools from marketing unhealthy food and beverages on school campuses. 


  • Safer Streets

Senate Bill 760 would incentivize Caltrans to create complete pedestrian and bikeway networks throughout California and prioritize complete streets so that our roads are accessible and safe for all users, not just motor vehicles.


  • Sugary Beverage Awareness

Sugary beverages are the #1 source of added sugar to the American diet and the AHA/ASA advocates for policies which reduce consumption of these products and promotes healthier options.


Please register here for more details regarding the event and our legislation!

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