Sharing from the heart changes people’s lives, including your own

If you're one of the 43 million Americans who are affected by heart disease, it's time for a chat. Patient to patient. Caregiver to caregiver. All across the nation.


The Support Network gives you a way to connect and share with others who face many of the same challenges, triumphs, questions and concerns.

It's more than a support group. Developed by the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association, the Support Network gives you access not only to patients and their loved ones, but also to heart disease experts via online chats and webinars. It is also offers a place where you can discuss your emotional well-being after your diagnosis. You will also find helpful tips that can be applied to your life, and have accessibility to stories of survival from real patients and caregivers.

This powerful resource is yours for the taking, free of charge.

Join us today and start connecting.

We're here for you because we've been there too. Don't recover alone. Share your voice on our Support Network. Join now.

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