Join Us for the 2014 Walkable Bikeable Delaware Summit


Join us on May 1st in Dover for the 2014 Walkable Bikeable Delaware Summit! The summit will bring together representatives from "bicycle-friendly" communities in Portland, Oregon and Boulder, Colorado, as well as Delaware elected officials, engineers, planners, cyclists, public health professionals and greenway and trail advocates.

Making our state more walkable and bikeable is one of the best ways to improve quality of life and promote healthy lifestyles to combat heart disease and stroke, the No 1 and No 4 killers in the US. Research shows that building bike/pedestrian trails reduces health care costs associated with physical inactivity. Every $1 invested in building bike and pedestrian trails brings nearly $3 in medical cost savings.

REGISTER TODAY and don’t forget to send this e-mail to your family and friends and ask them to join us on May 1st!

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