It's Time for Rhode Island to Mandate Pulse Ox Screening


Massachusetts recently joined the growing list of states that require newborns to be screened for critical congenital heart defects using a simple, non-invasive and inexpensive pulse oximetry (pulse ox) test.  Congratulations to our fellow You’re the Cure advocates in the Bay State for making this happen.  Now it’s time for Rhode Island to act!

Several weeks ago, the American Heart Association and Mended Little Hearts met with Governor Chafee to stress the importance of pulse ox screening.  Our Little Heart Heroes donned their red superhero capes and asked for the Governor’s help.  Let’s put some pressure on and get this done!

Nearly 30 states mandate pulse ox screening for newborns.  Rhode Island has been working on a pilot program and we applaud the hospitals in our state for stepping up to the plate - now it’s time to join the large list of states that require this lifesaving test.  

Share the news with Governor Chafee - tell him that Rhode Island should follow Massachusetts' lead and require pulse ox screening for all newborns!  Click the following link to take action now:


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