Institute for Healthy Childhood Weight is launched!


There is an obesity crisis in American and it is impacting our children’s health and increasing their risk to heart disease and other health related issues that can short their lifespan. This week, the American Academy of Pediatrics launched the Institute for Healthy Childhood Weight to “translate emerging science into practical tools to help and treat childhood obesity.

Here in Connecticut, American Heart Association is a leader in the CT Coalition against Childhood Obesity, a group of 30 plus health advocacy organizations who are fighting to combat the epidemic of childhood obesity in our state. Overall, one-quarter (24.9%) of Connecticut high school students are either overweight (14.5%) or obese. Obesity1 is the second-leading cause of preventable death in the United States, after smoking.

The Coalition is sponsoring a forum, Preventing Childhood Obesity, on November 19, 2012  at the Legislative office building, to examining factors contributing to obesity and best prevention practices in varied settings.


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