Our Tobacco 21 bill in Illinois (House Bill 345) has passed both the House and Senate, so it is now in the hands of Governor Pritzker to sign into law - the FINAL step! Will you take action today and help us get it signed?
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There are currently seven states and more than 425 communities that have implemented policies that raise the minimum sale age to purchase tobacco from 18 to 21 years old. With your help, we can be next!
Smoking kills more than 18,000 Illinois adults each year. Statistics show that 95% of smokers pick up the habit before age 21. By raising the sale age for tobacco to 21, Illinois will get tobacco out of high schools, stopping generations of teens from ever starting this deadly habit.
Not only will this legislation save lives, but it will save money! Everyone pays for tobacco-related diseases. Smoking related illnesses costs Illinois $5.49 billion annually and Illinois Medicaid $1.9 billion each year. Smoking also costs every Illinois household $922 annually in state and federal tax burdens. With the financial difficulties our state faces, implementing a policy that would save the state money AND improve our health is a win-win.
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