Idaho has a problem - the American Heart Association wants to be part of the solution

Recent news coverage highlighted a growing problem for the health of moms and babies in Idaho.  The most recent maternal mortality report shows the mortality rate for Idaho mothers rose 121.5% between 2019 and 2021, and the infant mortality rate rose 18% in the same time period.

Pregnancy is considered a ’stress test’ on the body and may unmask previously unknown cardiovascular disease and other health issues in new moms. Women who experience pre-eclampsia or gestational diabetes are at higher risk for future heart disease and stroke. Analysis also shows that of women who had healthy uneventful pregnancies, about 1 in 10 are diagnosed with high blood pressure in the year after childbirth. In severe cases, postpartum high blood pressure is associated with life-threatening complications, including stroke, heart failure, kidney failure and more. This is amplified by an almost 10% greater probability of maternal morbidity and mortality in rural communities.

hero_image_alt_text===A woman laying down on a bed holding a baby
thumbnail_alt_text===A woman laying down on a bed holding a baby

Together, we can help protect the health of our new moms.  We are advocating for extending postpartum Medicaid coverage from 60 days to a full year and increasing eligibility limits. Lack of access to follow up care has put new Idaho moms and their families at risk, and the saddest part is these deaths were preventable.

Here’s how you can help now. Your story is powerful and can bring the issue to life for our lawmakers. If you or someone you know has a story of postpartum challenges you are willing to share, please email me.

Idaho moms and babies deserve the best start possible, so let’s make sure they have access to health care for that important first year. 

Thank you for being an advocate. You can learn more here about the issue; Report finds rise in Idaho's maternal and infant mortality rates | KBOI (
This report will be the last one for the foreseeable future as the Idaho Legislature allowed the Maternal Mortality Review Committee to sunset, making Idaho the only state in the country without any examination of pregnancy related or associated deaths.

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