Help Us Train Idaho High School Students in CPR


We have a tremendous opportunity right now – but we need your help!

The Board of Education is taking public comment on a proposal to add CPR education in our public schools. Sudden cardiac arrest can happen anytime anywhere.  Teaching all high school students CPR will add thousands of trained rescuers to the Idaho population every year.

To ensure a YES vote, the Board must hear from residents from across the state. Please submit your public comment TODAY -- it’s easy and fast!

1) Click here and select “2013 Public Comments – August”
2) After filling out the “General Information” box, go to the second comment box, under “IDAPA, Graduation Requirements - Physical Education - Math and Science course offering”

• As a lifelong resident of Idaho, I am writing to voice my support for CPR education in our schools. 
• As a new mom/mom of ____/grandparent, I am very supportive of teaching students CPR before they graduate.
• As a [insert profession here], I see the effects of sudden cardiac arrest every day.
• As a resident of Idaho, I was thrilled to see the media about CPR education in our schools.
• Having lived in Idaho for ____ years, I was excited to see the Board considering putting CPR education into high schools.

• Sudden cardiac arrest can happen anytime, anywhere.
• Cardiac arrest can be caused by coronary heart disease, hear rhythm disorders, trauma or even drowning.
• Four out of five cardiac arrests occur at home, so people who administer CPR are most likely saving the lives of family and friends
•  [Share your own personal experience with sudden cardiac arrest and/or CPR.]

• CPR can double or triple someone’s chance of survival, but less than half of victims ever get CPR from a bystander.
• In less time than it takes to watch a TV show, students can learn CPR skills and know how to save someone’s life.
• Teaching all high school students CPR will add thousands of trained rescuers to the Idaho population every few years.
• CPR can easily be taught in the existing high school health class. Thirty minutes is all it takes to teach someone lifesaving skills.
• CPR education can be implemented at little to no cost.

• Thank you for voting in favor of CPR education in Idaho schools. 
• It is important to me that you vote in favor of the CPR proposal.
• For the future of our kids, please vote “yes” for CPR.
• Please implement CPR education in Idaho high schools so thousands of lifesavers are ready, willing and able to save lives.

Together we can train thousands of students in CPR. Submit your comment today!

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