Throughout this legislative session we’ve asked lawmakers, especially the key budget writers, to invest in prevention. The current budget proposal contains several increases for prevention programs and lawmakers will vote on this budget over the next two days.
Tell lawmakers to vote YES on SB 1 and secure funding for CVD prevention.
We know that it is much cheaper to prevent heart disease and stroke than it is to treat it. We also know that buy investing a small amount in programs designed around prevention we can save billions of dollars in the long run.
Lawmakers are poised to vote on the state’s budget for the next two years which contains significant increases in heart disease and stroke prevention funding. Here are some of the items in the budget that we support:
-Tobacco prevention and cessation: $29 million
-Fitnessgram assessment funding for childhood obesity prevention: $5 million
-Lone Star Stroke Initiative: 4.5 million
-Heart Attack and Stoke data collection: $500,000
-Center for Eliminating Disproportionality and Disparities: Increase of $975,000
While there is still a long ways to go, the above funding represents a positive move in the right direction. We are encouraging lawmakers to vote YES on SB 1 to secure these critical funds designed for prevention.
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