Heart on the Hill

Heart and stroke advocates joined together to advocate for a heart-healthy and stroke-free Massachusetts!

hero_image_alt_text===Heart on the Hill advocates.

On Thursday, May 17th advocates from across the Commonwealth came to the State House for our annual Heart on the Hill. They shared their stories of stroke survival, passion to prevent cardiovascular events and making sure our kids grow up healthy!

They advocated for:
• Development of a coordinated stroke system of care to improve the treatment of stroke patients, as well enactment of statewide standards for a stroke registry.
• Raising the minimum legal sale age (MLSA) for all tobacco products to 21 years
• Requiring quality physical education standards and the assessment of the current standards to increase accountability reporting of schools to provide quality physical education.

Lending their voices and their time to advocate for these critical issues will surely have an impact. Their legislators will remember their stories when it comes to making decisions on these policy priorities.

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