Join Us

Want to make healthy food accessible and affordable, in your neighborhood and across New York City? Join us!

New Yorkers holding a sign that says healthy food access matters

We're asking the City to fund vital programs to expand healthy food access. There are many ways you can take part:

  1. Sign the petitionAdd your name to the campaign and you'll continue to hear from us with opportunities to take action.
  2. Share the petition. We need voices from across the city calling for healthy food access. Share the petition online or contact us if you want tools for sharing it offline in your community.
  3. Host a workshop or speaker. Invite AHA NYC to your community center, school, office, or other venue to provide more information and opportunities to take action.
  4. Share your story. How have barriers to affordable, healthy food impacted you and your community? Your stories can move people to act - including policymakers. Contact us to share your story.

Have other ideas to help expand access to healthy food? Let us know! 

Do you represent an organization that wants to learn more or support the campaign? Contact us
