Healthy Seattle Kids Kick-off


AHA is preparing to launch one of our most significant public policy campaigns yet. On May 3 a group of key AHA volunteers, together with fellow coalition members and their volunteers, will announce our support of Mayor Murray’s proposed tax on sugary drinks at a press conference at AHA’s Seattle office. After hearing from community leaders, physicians and educators we will walk as a group (one block) to City Hall to sit in on the City Council’s first public hearing of the proposed ordinance. If you cannot stay for the entire time we understand but your support during the first part of the hearing would be greatly appreciated

The proposed legislation would create a small tax on distributors of sugary drinks, which research tells us will results in a reduction of unhealthy sugary drink consumption, an increase in consumption of healthier alternatives, and a revenue source for critical health and education investments.

Funding would support greater access to healthy foods through the “Fresh Bucks” program, expanded early childhood education opportunities, and important support services for K-12 education. This is a great chance for our city to demonstrate that our community’s health and education are more important than soda industry profits. 


May 03, 2017 at 8:15am - 11:15am
American Heart Association
710 2nd Ave
Suite 900
Seattle, WA 98104
United States
Google map and directions
Kami Sutton · · 206-336-7244

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