Take action and ask council members to pass the recommended Pasadena Heathy Parks Plan today!
A healthy park system is essential to quality of life. The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed how important this is, as more people seek responsible outdoor recreation. They are exposed to increased risks from car traffic due to lack of accessible sidewalks and bike lanes in many areas of our community. Everyone, of all ages and abilities, deserves access to a place to belong, be active and enjoy nature.
When we support investments in park infrastructure, not only do we help people be more active and safer, but it also can support economic development resulting in a healthier overall community. Creating opportunities for all members of our community to bike, walk, roll, and get to where they need to go safely and easily is more important than ever.
Don't forget to email your council members today!
*Only residents of Pasadena, TX will be able to take action at the link.
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