Healthy Corner Stores Video Released!


Today the North Carolina Alliance for Health (NCAH) released a video featuring the stories of three corner store owners in North Carolina who participated in a pilot program to stock and sell healthy and local produce in their neighborhoods. The video shows how the program has benefited the store owners, local farmers, and their communities. With more widespread funding to implement this initiative across the state, more store owners would be able to stock and sell more nutrient-dense food, providing healthier choices for customers all across the state.

The video can be accessed here.

NCAH urges members and partners to use this video in your efforts to promote the Healthy Corner Store Initiative! Share this link with your staff, board members, listservs and social media outlets. For additional information about the video or ideas about how to promote it, please contact NCAH’s Healthy Food Access Coordinator, Sarah Jacobson, at [email protected].

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