Last week, thanks in large part to the dedication of You’re the Cure (YTC) advocates, The United States House of Representatives passed a package of health care bills, including one that would block low-quality health care plans that put our health at risk from being sold across the country.
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The package of bills that passed last week, known as HR 987, included a number of provisions that would help strengthen the Affordable Care Act and protect people with pre-existing conditions.
Thousands of YTC advocates contacted their Representatives, urging them to first cosponsor, then vote yes on the bill. Without their help, it is possible they would not even have held a vote!
YTC advocates made a BIG difference in the House of Representatives, but our work is not done, and the package of bills still needs to pass the Senate before it has a chance to become law. Millions of Americans are still at risk from being victimized by low-quality health care coverage, but this was a great first step. We expect the Senate will soon introduce a similar package of bills with the goal of expanding access to quality and affordable health care and limiting access to low-quality, dangerous coverage.
When the Senate introduces their package, it will be even more important than ever that our lawmakers hear from us. The House listened to our calls for action and it’s up to us to make sure the Senate does the same.
In the coming weeks, please be on the look-out for ways to help expand access to quality health care, but for now take a second to celebrate this great victory for public health!
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