Hays County Heart Walk: Advocacy Volunteers Needed

The 2017 Hays County Heart Walk is Saturday, April 8th and we need advocates, like you, to volunteer at our You’re the Cure™ table. 


We have a great opportunity to grow our You’re the Cure advocacy network at our upcoming Hays County Heart Walk and we need your help. Please join us as we advocate for healthier lives and communities in Texas!

We are looking for volunteers that will help us talk with Heart Walk participants and ask them to support our heart healthy and stroke smart policies. We need YOU there as a part of our team, come join us!

When: April 8th, 2017 7:30am-10:30am 

Where: San Marcos Plaza Park | 401 E Hopkins St. San Marcos, Texas 78666

Click to Volunteer

We'll see you out there!

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