GUEST BLOG: Show Us Your Good, Arkansas!

Hello everyone! Hannah here! Like always, I am so excited to talk to you all! I’m back this month to talk to you guys about the #ShowUsYourGood campaign through the American Heart Association. Now, more than ever is the time to show random acts of kindness all over your community! 


Helping and giving back to neighbors, health care workers and others is how we can be powerful during this critical time. Share your good acts via posts, comments and photos on social media with the hashtag #ShowUsYourGood and let's motivate and encourage others to seek out and share the good. We'd also love for you to share your story HERE. Need ideas to get started?

Hannah and her classmate, Madison

There are so many ways to do good for others, even in this uncertain time. You can donate blood, check on elders in your community, make or donate masks, and even ‘adopt a senior.’ Schools all over the country have come up with amazing ways of honoring the class of 2020. Adopting a senior is doing something sweet for any senior of your choice. While this is not the senior year we all expected, it means so much to know we are loved and supported. My community participated in ‘adopt a senior’ and I felt so special when I received my gifts or sweet notes!

Recently, a lot of businesses reopened in Arkansas. Due to this, many people are going back to work, including myself! At work, we are required to wear a mask at all times. While I was scrambling to find masks on Amazon, I found that there are many people making them in my community. These people saved the day for me! I was able to buy a reusable fabric mask from someone in my community. I am so thankful for my mask and it is a fantastic way to help those going back to work!

Hannah and her coworkers at Urban Chair

Hospitals are currently facing extreme shortages of blood, but you can help change that! Blood donation centers are still open and are making sure to ensure the safety of their donors. Donating blood is such a wonderful act of kindness and can save a life! If you are not able to donate blood, encourage those around you to donate; it makes such a big difference, especially now!

Right now, so many people are self-isolating because of COVID-19 and possibly compromising illnesses. We all need to check on the elders in our community via Zoom or Facetime! Something as small as a video chat could make a person’s day so much better! Also, if you are able to go grocery shopping, you could pick some things that they may need. Going to the store is not an option for many people right now and this would be such a kind gesture. Even going to a senior citizen’s home and driving by to wave would make them so happy! Whatever you are able to do is appreciated and it is so important to check on our elders!

Now is the best time to #ShowUsYourGood and tell us about the helpers in your neighborhood and beyond! We are currently living in a very uncertain time and showing small acts of kindness means the entire world. Helping each other and giving back is powerful during this critical time. Share your good acts on social media with the hashtag #ShowUsYourGood and help motivate others. Celebrate others, celebrate yourself, and spread love to the world! Get started sharing your story HERE.

That is all for me, this month, guys! As always, it is such an honor to get to share my thoughts with you all. Thank you for reading along and supporting the #ShowUsYourGood campaign. I am so, so, so thankful for each one of you!!

All my love,

Hannah Walker, Poyen High School Class of 2020! 🎓

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