Great Success in the Golden State

The 2018 legislative session, which ended on August 31st, was an exciting one for American Heart Association! 

With the support of advocates like you, California made history by becoming the first state to ensure that water or milk comes standard with kids’ meals at all restaurants!

Governor Brown signed SB 1192, known as the California “Healthy By Default” Kids' Meal Beverages Bill, to make water or milk the default beverage offered in kid's meals in California.  This bill is so impactful, because half of the meals in the U.S. today are purchased outside of the home and children get an average of 25 percent of their calories from restaurant foods and beverages. If their meals come with sodas or other sugary drinks, they are often consuming more than the weekly amount of sugar recommended, putting them at greater risk for heart disease and diabetes. We know that making water and milk the “default” drink, can lead to increased consumption of water, healthier children and healthier diets.


hero_image_alt_text===Picture of the capitol building in Sacramento
thumbnail_alt_text===Picture of the capitol building in Sacramento

California Budget Successes!

Funding to Create the California Fruit and Vegetable EBT Pilot Program:

California produces more fruits and vegetables than any other state in the nation, growing over 200 variety of crops year-round. Yet, we also have shockingly high rates of hunger, with close to 40% of low-income California households unable to afford enough food to eat. We supported a request of $9 million to create the California Fruit and Vegetable EBT Pilot Project to increase the purchase and consumption of California-grown fruits and vegetables that are financially out-of-reach for low-income residents. The project will provide CalFresh shoppers in selected pilot locations with a dollar-for-dollar match to purchase California-grown fresh fruits and vegetables.  Funding for this important program is a “win-win-win” that will help fight poverty; support improved health and nutrition; and boosts California’s agriculture. 

Funding for the Market Match Program:

We also advocated for an appropriation of $10 million for the California Market Match Program. This Program, established in 2009, provides low-income families receiving benefits through SNAP the ability to purchase fresh, locally-grown fruits and vegetables at farmers' markets. The program doubles the amount of benefits these families can spend using their CalFresh Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) card at the farmers’ market.



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