Go Red for Women® Special Report

The first Go Red for Women® Circulation special issue was published in February 2004. Since then, the journal has featured articles related to women and cardiovascular health most every February in recognition of American Heart Month.

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The current issue of Circulation features new clinical trial research, state of the art reviews and scientific perspectives exploring the unique challenges women face in their fight against heart disease and stroke.  The journal received more than 100 manuscripts for consideration this year, the most ever in the five years the current editorial board has published a special Go Red for Women® issue.

“Undeniably, cardiovascular disease remains the number one killer of women around the world, taking the lives of 1 in 3 women. Even one life lost is too many, because we know much of heart disease and stroke is preventable and treatable,” said Circulation Editor-in-Chief Joseph A. Hill, M.D., Ph.D. 

To learn more about this research, visit: Understanding heart disease, stroke in women remains a scientific research priority | American Heart Association.



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