Give a Great Holiday Gift -- Health!

Healthy Food for Vermont Kids, There's No Better Time than the Present.

hero_image_alt_text===An image of fruits and vegetables with a bow in the shape of a heart.
thumbnail_alt_text===An image of fruits and vegetables with a bow in the shape of a heart.

If you're like me, sometimes finding the perfect gift during the holidays is tricky. But here's an easy one that will please a lot of people.

Urge your legislator to pass legislation ensuring that kids meals at restaurants across Vermont meet nutrition standards, including that the beverages offered first be healthy ones.

This helps families who are eating out more and more. It helps parents who are struggling to find healthy choices and battling with kids over fries and chicken tenders. And it helps kids by providing yummy meals that will help set their eating patterns for years to come.

It makes a difference. Nineteen percent of children's calories come from fast food and other restaurants. And for each additional serving of sugary drinks a child consumes each day, their chance of becoming obese increases by 60%.

You can make a difference. Contact your legislators and let them know you want them to pass S.70 and H.264 to ensure kids have healthy options at restaurants.

Its a gift that will keep on giving for years to come!

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