Getting Policy Passed is No Easy Process!


All of our policy development here at the American Heart Association (AHA) starts with science. Any policy that we advocate for first has to be backed by the science of our researchers. Once we have the research in place, we set out to determine the best way to get the policy put into action.

Depending on what subject the legislation covers, we have to start by determining the best course of action.  This can involve deciding whether it is better to work with state or federal government and other key areas of policy passage. We all remember from when we were kids the old “How a Bill Becomes a Law” School House Rock cartoon.  That basic concept still holds true, but the process of passing legislation gets more complicated than what a cartoon can demonstrate. 

Many of you have been a part of this process through our federal and state advocacy days and we could not do it without you. Please take the time to review one of our latest policy reports and to send your legislators an email reminding them that heart healthy issues are important to you.

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