Get Ready for National Eating Healthy Day!


Take the first step to making healthier food choices by taking part in the American Heart Association's National Eating Healthy Day on Wednesday, Nov. 6.  On this day, Americans are encouraged to make small, healthy changes and raise the awareness of the importance of good nutrition.  Give your family, friends and co-workers a friendly push toward a healthier life.

Sign Up for Your Toolkit: Celebrating National Eating Healthy Day is easy!  Complete the registration form today to receive our free National Eating Healthy Day ToolkitIt includes lots of fun materials and tips to easily promote National Eating Healthy Day in your community or workplace.  Look for the link to the kit in your confirmation email

Get Healthy: Statistics show that one in two men and one in three women are at risk for heart disease, and research shows that poor lifestyle is a major contributor.  From walking clubs and paths to cooking tips and easy-made recipes, the American Heart Association’s My Heart. My Life. healthy living initiative helps individuals and families understand how to get active and eat healthy.  Visit to learn more.

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