The 2022 Legislative Session began on Monday January 10th. This is a carry over year, which means bills that were introduced last year have been carried over for consideration this session.
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Earlier this month, the Governor gave his State of the State address. We are pleased he included extending Postpartum Medicaid coverage from 6 months to 12 months in his budget. Extending this coverage protects new moms and their hearts as heart disease is the number one cause of maternal death. Growing evidence suggests pregnancy complications are a marker of future health risk, particularly heart disease and stroke. Extending health care coverage for a full year will help individuals receive the medical care they need to be screened for the development of risk factors like high blood pressure and receive adequate counseling for heart disease and stroke prevention, postpartum depression, substance use, and more. We will be meeting with lawmakers in coming days to discuss this issue.
We are also working hard to promote Telecommunicator CPR legislation (HB827) sponsored by Representative Jesse Petrea (R-Savannah) that was introduced during last legislative session. We are working to ensure the bill is placed on the Public Safety committee agenda in the coming weeks. Curious to learn more about T-CPR? Take 2 minutes to watch this video and read more here.
Additionally, we are monitoring opportunities to advocate for appropriations to address health disparities in Georgia. As budget subcommittees begin to meet, we will be looking to discuss the need for health equity with lawmakers.
Remember to stay tuned to your email for more information about these policy issues and others that may arise during legislative session.
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