Geoffrey Roche, longtime AHA Pennsylvania Field Representative and Chair of the Policy and Legislative Planning Committee, is passionate about advocating for comprehensive smoke free air laws with no exemptions, a pillar of the AHA’s tobacco control advocacy efforts.
On June 5th at a Clean Indoor Air Press Conference at the Harrisburg State Capitol, Geoffrey joined with Representative Mario Scavello and PA Breathe-Free Coalition partners to speak in support of a bill being introduced by Representative Scavello that would significantly strengthen PA’s existing Clean Indoor Air law by banning smoking in all public places. His efforts also include working with local businesses to sign on to the Smoke Free Resolution for Pennsylvania Businesses and Organizations and sending Letters to the Editor in support of smoke free air.
Geoffrey was a recipient of the 2012-2013 Distinguished Achievement Award, which recognizes individuals who have contributed significantly to the success of the American Heart Association. AHA advocacy staff recognize Geoffrey as a go-to advocate, always willing to lend his help and expertise to improve heart-health in the Commonwealth. Thanks, Geoffrey, for all you do!
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