Right now, Florida legislators have the opportunity to ensure elementary students receive daily recess - the perfect complement to physical education. The American Heart Association needs your help to urge lawmakers to support daily recess for our children, while protecting physical education.
Requiring a daily 20-minute recess period for Florida’s elementary school children ensures that students - no matter their zip code - have regular access to an unstructured break in the school day. A daily 20-minute recess period is proven to foster multiple critical components of healthy childhood development, including lifelong skills relating to communication, negotiation, cooperation, sharing, problem solving, and coping. These skills are not only foundations for healthy development but more predictive of future success than any other measure.
The American Heart Association supports recess for Florida's elementary students without removing minutes from physical education.
It's important to remember that physical education is so much more than physical activity. Through effective physical education, children learn how to incorporate safe and healthy activities into their lives.
Did you know:
- Physical education improves the entire school day. We know that PE can help kids be more active and that active kids do better in class. Eliminating daily PE programs limits the amount of physical activity our children get during the day and can have lasting impacts on their mental and physical health.
- When children get more time for physical education, they do better physically, mentally, and emotionally, which is good for schools too. Quality PE programs help make sure that our children are on their way to a healthier future. Physical activity can have a positive impact on cognitive ability, help kids avoid tobacco, and reduce their risk for insomnia, depression, and anxiety. Active kids also learn better.
- Physical education addresses the needs of the whole child. Quality physical education programs provide the activity kids need for a positive impact on their physical, mental, and emotional health. They also improve judgment, reduce stress, and increase self-esteem. Making sure all students are getting physical education is a critical part of keeping kids healthy.
Speak up in support recess and physical education today!
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