Sign Up Now: Upcoming Florida Session Events

Florida's 2023 legislative session is quickly approaching!


This year, we will ask legislators to: 

  • Increase funding for Fresh Access Bucks, a nutrition incentive program that increases the purchasing power of SNAP recipients to buy fresh fruits and vegetables at the farmer's markets, produce stands, CSAs, mobile markets, and community grocery outlets. 
  • Ensure Medicaid covers self-measured blood pressure monitoring (SMBP) devices for the diagnosis and management of patients with hypertension and to address barriers to the implementation of SMBP monitoring. 
  • Grow Heart Health +, the Florida Department of Health's blood pressure program. Currently, fifteen county health departments have implemented Heart health + activities, including blood pressure self-monitoring programs, within their communities, with federal funding through a CDC grant. State funding would help expand the program. 

We hope you'll advocate with us! Sign up for our session kick-off call on Wednesday, March 1 at 11 a.m. ET. On this call, we'll provide you with a behind the scenes look at the state legislature, walk you through our legislative agenda, and share how your voice can make a difference. As a You're the Cure advocate, it's important your lawmakers hear from you about policies that will build a healthier Florida and we want to make it easier for you to let your voice be heard.   

If you're passionate about any of these issues, we invite you to register for our Virtual Florida Heart Advocacy Day on Wednesday, March 22 at 9 a.m. ET. We'll speak with key stakeholders about how Fresh Access Bucks and Heart Health Plus work, and how our legislative efforts will make a positive difference in the state. We also will speak with legislators about the importance of this work in their districts, and how crucial it is for constituents to contact their lawmakers throughout session. It will be an informative, inspirational event you don't want to miss. 

Watch your inbox for future You're the Cure alerts.

Julie M. Howell is the Sr. Region Grassroots Lead for the American Heart Association in the Southeast, working closely with volunteers and staff to advance the mission of the organization through public policy change.

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