Tell FDA to Ban Flavored Tobacco

For years, the tobacco industry targeted young Americans through its marketing materials and products. The best example is the “Joe Camel” cartoon figure from the 1980’s and 90’s. As you’ve probably noticed at your local convenience store or gas station, they’re at it again! This time they’re luring kids through the marketing and promotion of flavored tobacco products like e-cigarettes, cigars, hookah and more.

Data from FDA studies found that 81% of youth age 12-17 and nearly 86% of young adults age 18-24 who have used a tobacco product say that the first tobacco product they ever used was flavored!

The American Heart Association wants to put a stop to this dangerous trend by banning all flavors in tobacco products, but we can’t do it alone.

Fortunately, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration is considering how best to regulate flavors in tobacco products, including e-cigarettes, cigars and hookah and they’ve asked the public to weigh in by writing their own comments. This allows citizens to have a voice in the future of tobacco regulation in the United States and we can’t miss out on the opportunity!

These comments can be brief, but are critical if we want to stop the continued proliferation of flavored tobacco use by America’s youth. Millions of lives have been lost to and continue to be impacted by the dangers of tobacco use. The American Heart Association thinks enough is enough! Please join our effort to put an end to flavored tobacco by submitting your own, personalized comment to the FDA, urging them to ban flavored tobacco products.

hero_image_alt_text===Share your thoughts with the FDA today
thumbnail_alt_text===Share your thoughts with the FDA today