Frequently Asked Questions

1. Who is leading this initiative?

Serve Kids Better Denver includes Denver residents and community organizations with support from Vive Wellness, Westwood Unidos, American Heart Association and Denver Public Health. Together we are focused on ensuring kids grow up healthy and have healthy food and drink options.

2. Do I have to live in Denver to support?

No, we welcome everyone to care about the health of kids. Although we are focused on strategies in Denver County, this work is happening across metro Denver, and around the nation.

3. Why is this important?

All kids deserve to grow up healthy. Providing nutritious food and drink options helps kids grow up healthy and prevent diseases like type 2 diabetes, fatty liver, and tooth decay.

4. Aren’t kids in Denver already healthy and doing well?

Unfortunately, too many kids in Denver weigh too much for good health, putting them at risk for type 2 diabetes, heart disease, fatty liver and asthma. Sugary drinks are the leading contributor to too much weight for health and just one sugary drink a day increases the risk of type 2 diabetes, fatty liver, and tooth decay.

5. How would this initiative help?

Healthy options are more important than ever as families make restaurants a regular part of their kids’ diet. When restaurants offer healthy drinks like unflavored milk and water, parents are more likely to choose healthier options for their kids.

6. What does it mean to endorse this initiative?

Endorsers demonstrate support for a Healthy Kids’ Meal policy strategy in Denver to ensure children stay healthy and cultivate healthy eating behaviors as they grow up. Denver kids. Endorsers will be listed on our website, education and communication materials.




