Family is Why - Lorna Schmidt

Meet Minnesota's new Government Relations Director - Lorna Schmidt!

hero_image_alt_text===Lorna Headshot
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What brought you to be an advocate for the American Heart Association?

Too many individuals are touched by the effects of cardiovascular disease and death each day, and my family and friends are no exception. This is largely preventable, though, and we know what we need to do to change it. Together we can be the force that ends it.

What issues or policies are you most passionate about and why?

Health eating, active living and tobacco prevention. These are the foundation of health and might sound simple, but in reality they are hard for many to achieve – and often the environment and systems we have built are to blame. Through policy change, we can create the conditions needed to promote and sustain healthier lifestyles, and that means more quality time with the family and friends we love.

What is your favorite way to be active?

Hiking with my dog, Kasey

What is your favorite fruit or vegetable?


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