Meet AHA's Communications Coordinator, Emily Swanson!
hero_image_alt_text===Emily Swanson
thumbnail_alt_text===Emily Swanson
bottom_action===Emily Swanson
What brought you to be an advocate for the American Heart Association?
My career with the American Heart Association began February 2015 when I joined the team as a communications coordinator. I was quickly introduced to the many issues and policies the American Heart Association is actively working on in the state of Minnesota. Knowing that I could make a difference in the health of the community by sending a simple email to my legislators and spreading the word on social media ignited my passion for advocacy.
What issues or policies are you most passionate about and why?
Strengthening physical education in schools and creating safe routes to combat childhood obesity and encourage a more walkable community. This is so important because not only does physical activity help children thrive academically and socially, but it teaches them healthy habits they can carry into adulthood.
What is your favorite advocacy memory or experience so far and what made it great?
Last year’s Minnesotans for Healthy Kids Coalition lobby day was my first experience meeting with lawmakers at the capitol. I’ll admit, I felt a little intimidated at first, but that quickly changed as the other advocates in my district group were so helpful and passionate about policy change. As a group, we gained support from the lawmakers we met with and left the meetings knowing our voices mattered.
What is your favorite way to be active?
Jogging, hiking, biking, yoga – it’s too difficult to pick a favorite.
What is your favorite fruit or vegetable?
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